
MB Systems de México is a Mexican enterprise, leader in the design, installation, and qualification of infrastructure for the sectors of Telecommunications, PYMES Networks, corporative networks, and national/international connections.

We count with a versatile team of professionals relied in their high experience, equipments and installations of last generation, and the ultimate technology that will permit us satisfy the necessities of each client, never pointing out the magnitude of the project nor the size of its company.

Consultancy in MB Networks
We offer consultancy in networks - vision, strategy, advising and conceptual design to help you plan and design a flexible and high end-to-end performance in their infrastructure of network that provides a competitive advantage and to expand opportunities for your e-business.

MB Systems de Mexico Services for Integration and development of networks & Systems.
We provide architecture, design, implementation plans, fast integration and development, projects handling, operational products and services for infrastructure of network and wiring infraestructure services focus to applications performance. We can surely help you integrate and support data, voice and video in network, we can also, facilitate intelligent network infraestructures and approach new technologies - VPN, optic fiber, storage in networks, voice and video over IP, circulation of contents in network or mobile or wireless or shared - to connect, initiate and to grow your business.

MB Systems de Mexico Handling of Networks Services
We offer a comprehensible set of networks services from remote handling of - supervising, performance and security, problems, changes and configurations to help you optimize operations and performances, as well as maximize the availability and to reduce total property costs.

MB Systems de Mexico Services for Network Outsourcing
We provide the outsourcing of complete network, including design, improve, maintenance, testing's, administration solutions of networks: data, voice and video, renting staff of network, acquiring networks actives, and other specific activities such as invoicing to clients in network, services of wiring and installation, transformations, aggregates, changes (IMAC). Count on IBM and its Associate of Businesses, including AT&T, Lucent, Nortel networks, Enterasys, SMC, EMC and Cisco.


Training and entertainment in tools of Information Systems. Tools and Applications

Development of WEB pages.

Programming Languages


Entertainment in yours/ours installations.

If necessary, we may translate our personnel and our equipment, to facilitate the course you require.

Remote via.

We install our applications and give a course from our installations, taking care of your personnel form your installations.

We count with rooms for the training of groups that we are training (15 persons at a time).

Ultimate Technology

The most resent applications in market.

Implementation of the best practices.



As a result of the advance that we have day to day in our work centers, "MB Systems of México", conscious of the requirements of our clients, has fused 2 of their areas in a new concept that has been denominated MBOS, our new MB Office Solutions.

Which has as objective to satisfy the necessities, that not only fulfill goals at office-level, but that help in the operation of many more businesses such as: Hotels, Schools, Restaurants, Companies, Homes, etc.

Office Solutions is the integration of the Intelligent areas of Telecommunications and Systems which unite their efforts and objectives, guaranteed by professional equipment like:

• PBX Commutators
• Telephony
• Electronic Boards
• Security
• IT Solutions

We count on power stations that adapt to the dimensions of each business satisfying the demands of calls and necessities of each place.

With one-line and multiline models that fulfill the requirements of the market.

Electronic Boards:
With their operation they are fulfilling the required function of the technological advance, when counting on equipment of information impression, as well as an option to work interactively counting on connection to PC.

Also, as an additional facility of this new fusion, we want to offer to our clients others of our products that Panasonic, Nortel, Cisco, Avaya, Lucent, Meridian, etc. make available; which by their characteristics of high quality offer comfort to satisfy the necessities of communication and creativity, as well as to bring the future to your hands through the best technology equipments.


  Translations to Spanish

Translations to English

Translations to French

Translations to Russian

Translators services per hour, day, week, or event.

World wide services level.

Web Development

Today’s technology added to the competitiveness of industry brings to Internet a new option for the promotion of its services or products. Because of this, it is important for a company to have a good presentation in the biggest network of the world. As we noticed this necessity, we’ve prepared and made an effort to bring you critic developments of excellent quality and low price sites.


For years we have given special attention to the components strategies of MB Systems de Mexico. We used and conquered the alternatives that are present in the IT Empresarials, by solving this problems we are always on the top of innovation, giving our clients the best.

We count with the major software technology. We may create your site with simple or complex technology, according to your necessities. We offer support in CGI's, Base-Data, and Programming Languages for internet: PHP, Perl, Java Script, Java Language, Animations (Flash). Also, we may integrate your company in virtual market with the most reliable service of electronic commerce (SSL Security).

Come with us, so we can use the arquitecture , technology and collaboration between organizations, we can offer you the best solution for your business with the experience of a highly prepared group.


MB Systems of Mexico is one of the most important enterprises of systems and emergency equipment, security and monitoring in Latin America and probably in the world. Aside from commercializing, storing and distributing products, the company dedicates great part of its effort to the investigation, design and development of new products. MB Systems of Mexico enables imports and exports to the entire world: systems, equipment, parts, software and accessories related to emergency systems (radio communication, alarm systems, systems of monitoring, as well as systems of endorsement of energy and solar energy). With main offices and warehouses in the City of Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, MB Systems of Mexico almost makes the entirety of its operations through more than 1850 regional distributors (Elite Certificates), approximately half of them within the Mexican Republic. Also offices (that do not attend public, but distribute) are located, in the El Paso, TX., Miami, FL., Chihuahua, Monterrey, Hermosillo, Nayarit and Mexico, D. F. MB Systems of Mexico is a 100% Mexican company, with 100% Mexican capital.

At the moment, it is total guarantee acquiring products for security or radio communication through the MB distributors Systems of Mexico, due to the rigorous tests of quality applied to the products before their sale.

The regional distributors are enabled periodically, updated with the new technologies and continuously supervised and certified so that they can offer a high added value and great quality services in order to, absolutely always, obtain a complete satisfied user.

In addition, in MB Systems of Mexico a great plant of engineers exists, properly qualified with the last technologies, capable of offering the best recommendation, as well as a great support and endorsement to the whole network of distribution.

The guarantee of products is totally effective and fast. He is always more than a year. In addition, we count with department stores for parts and accessories (probably the greater warehouse in its type in the world). The required part always exists, in order to immediately repair equipment that was sold even 7 year ago.

Training and continuous qualification characterizes the operation of MB Systems of Mexico, with two halls, each of it to sustain 80 people, (both in the city of Torreón, Coahuila ), the seminaries, advanced training courses take place of every day all the year.

By many years, a constant but aggressive activity in the market, with a plant of employees of very low rotation, long and lasting commercial relations with suppliers and clients allowed great stability and simultaneously continuous growth of the company. In addition, the great seriousness in the treatments added to the great moral, financial, technical solidity, anywhere in the world allow MB Systems of Mexico to be recognized as a company of the highest level of honesty, punctuality and seriousness in all the businesses.

With a great experience of 14 years in the industry, more than 12 years in the mayoreo and a presence anywhere in the world through close relationships with manufacturers, universities, associations of experts, etc., as well as the attendance almost always as exhibitors to the most important conferences, conventions and exhibitions in the world.

MB Systems of Mexico guarantees technology of the highest world-wide level. The opportune and fast delivery of products, systems and parts is guaranteed with a great inventory of more than 15.000 different articles that originate from more than 550 different manufacturers in the world.

MB Systems of Mexico is greatest and most well provided warehouse of Latin America and probably of the world… and, in addition, it provides the technical support, consultant's office, guarantee and service of the highest quality level.


Outsourcing consists the external hiring of human resources and technological annexes, whose primary target is the reduction of company’s direct expenses that subcontracts the services, in such form that the organization is dedicated exclusively to the reason of being the business.

Why should you adopt services by means of Outsourcing?

Saving in the fixed costs of the company since the investments in the projects are diminished.

A flexible and reduced structure is maintained.

Access to new technologies and abilities, without cost of acquiring knowledge, certification and the update.

The cost of the employee is replaced by the invoice of a service that can be deduced.

With this scheme of service you will obtain a competitive company, by reducing your costs and letting the organization take care of the strategic areas of the business.


Service Centers

Service Center Autorized for APC.

We count with the largest supply in Latin-America including original spare parts, batteries, reparations, equipments, and important projects we can facilitate demonstration equipment.

Authorized Spare Parts Center 3Com.

Authorized Spare Parts Cente Dell.

Authorized Spare Parts Cente Cisco.

Authorized Spare Parts Center HP, Hewlett Packard.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Compaq.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Samsung.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Toshiba.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Fi¡ujitsu.

Authorized Spare Parts Center IBM.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Linx.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Hitachi.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Nortel.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Avaya.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Sun.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Maxtor.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Tripp Lite.

Authorized Spare Parts Center View sonic.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Infocus.

Authorized Spare Parts Center TrendNet.

Authorized Spare Parts Center Lexmark.

Help Desk

We count with the necessary infrastructure to develop or to rent our services of Help Desk as well as Call Center throughout Mexico, the United States and Centro America, having clients in Brazil, the U.S.A., Canada, Mexico and Panama at the moment. With 8 years in the market of the Help Desk we have obtained the knowledge necessary to administer to any type of organization, administering with tickets on watch all the cases within an organization, structuring the wished results, all this in a local or remote mode. We have 63 Operators working 24 hours a day, the 365 of the year.

What is a Help desk?

MBHelp IT is an integral solution of HELP DESK that adapts to the necessities of each company. It allows solving any kind of problem in an ordered, fast and efficient form, in addition to the organization and controlling the assets of the companies obtaining a greater corporative productivity with the consequent reduction of support costs. Reports, statistics and management are the fundamental tools for the solution people in charge (analysts). The analyst of the Help Desk permits internal users (employees) and external (clients) to be the beneficiaries of the application when obtaining an effective real solution to problems, taking registries, reassignments and pursuits of the reported until user the satisfactory solution of the problem.


Why is it necessary?

The system of Help Desk increases the productivity and increases the satisfaction of the internal and external users. Many companies choose to delegate this service to others and is there where we support them with knowledge, the infrastructure and the human and technological resources stop to begin solving since the first day.

It is no useful for the employees of companies to be equipped with the most sophisticated technologic productivity tools- personal computers, office software, access to all the information available- if this does not comes accompanied by a detailed qualification and support program in order to take real advantage of the proportioned tools.

Neither it is useful to multiply the internal support personnel of a company so that employees have to be present at any moment. These practices are hidden expenses of the technology, that companies well know and try to avoid at all costs.

Por eso existen las herramientas de Help Desk, sistemas que permiten apoyar la labor productiva de los usuarios, garantizando la explotación eficiente de las aplicaciones, buscando a su vez la manera más eficiente y rentable de realizar esta labor. La implementación de MBHelp IT! incluye capacitación a analistas y por un costo anual, el cliente recibe soporte técnico en línea y actualizaciones del producto.

For that reason the tools of Help Desk exist, systems that allow the support of users in their productive labor, guaranteeing the efficient operation of the applications, looking for the most efficient and profitable way to make this work. The implementation of MBHelp IT! includes the training of analysts and, by an annual cost, the client receives on-line technical support and updates of the product.

MBHelp IT! 2.65 Standard Edition is designed to fulfill each requirement of support of Help Desk in simple organizations. On the other hand, MBHelp IT! 3,0 Enterprise Edition is designed to fulfill the complex necessities of Help Desk and support of management of the great organizations. In order to choose form on of the two versions, please make sure you consult any of our associate.

Who uses MB Help IT!

The most common users of the tools of Help Desk are in first instance the great companies that handle to many products and, or, services, and have numerous external clients and internal users, they have implemented with total efficiency MBHelp IT! Enterprise Edition. The medium companies also have seen that with the use of the Help Desk they benefit administrative and operative way. Many small companies also have considered the importance of the use of Help Desk to optimize their operations and have found in MBHelp IT! Standard Edition is the best solution.

MBHelp IT! just as other competition tools of Help Desk, must fulfill the different stages from any other information systems, such as the rise of the information, the analysis, the design, the implementation and soon the tests and the refining. For Resolve IT! the time of implementation in the Standard Edition is of 2 days; Enterprise Edition is 5 days.

Software not only can be used for the attention of requirements of the internal users of the company - local or remote -, but for another type of services like the attention to external clients, complaints reception, reclamations and different services of management and control of hardware and software.

Statistically, an agent of Help Desk takes care, with efficiency, of 100 users or clients. At the moment, what more concerns to the organizations is the quality in the service that offers a solution of this type, independently form how the application is made. It is important to count with a good management of the project or technological management, that supports the evolution of the technology and serves as meeting point with the clients or internal and external users, for the suitable determination and configuration of the applications that the organization requires for an efficient march of the processes inside the company and a consequent reflection in the good service to the clients or users.


Advantajes inside the organization

The management of the Help Desk, generates during its practice and continuous execution, a considerable number of benefits, which are summarized as:

  • Unique point of contact . When the users call to the service center in search of solutions, they not always they dial the same extension nor they speak with the same professional; in that case, a user who presents different technical problems, under a scheme without a Help Desk, must dial several times different telephone extensions in order to communicate with a professional of systems that is available and has the time to help him, originating as consequence a loss of considerable time. When having a unique point of contact the user obtains immediate attendance by people with the appropriate knowledge and the disposition to take care of it.
  • Registry and pursuit of problems When calls by technical problems by the users are received, companies generally do not count on the mechanisms and appropriate technological tools to constantly register them, reason why the registry and its pursuit become, with time, a task very difficult to control. The management of the Help Desk, pretends to create these mechanisms of automated form that allows us take a precise control us of all the calls that are received, with the purpose of generating, in a certain measurement, time intervals that will let us know the reason of the calls and proposed solutions.
  • Inventory of Hardware y Software. One of the functions of the Help Desk is to maintain a registry and control of the inventory of hardware and software that the company has. This is made in order know which is the installed capacity of technological inventory (fixed assets), where it is being used and by whom. It is very common to find companies that daily are incorporating new technology or updates of the already existing configurations within their departments, reason why to maintain this information without an appropriate discipline and a responsibility of registry, brings as result a constant count of all these assets and therefore, a total ignorance of the inventory.
  • Defined responsibilities and functions. The support to end-users, during long time has been seen in many companies and by many people, like a modest admirable function and of low profile, from which the professionals of the area of systems feel little attracted to exert these functions like part of their daily responsibilities. One of the fundamental principles of the management of the Help Desk, is that work parties must be constituted under the responsibility of taking care of the technical problems of the users. Its function, depending on the organizational structure that is designed within the Help Desk, will be to look for the opportune solutions to the presented problems.
  • Productivity . This benefit is, in most of the cases, one of most difficult to demonstrate to all companies that are interested in the function of the Help Desk, although is practically the most important. Generally, when technology problem appears to the user, this causes work to stop temporarily, until the problem is solved. Depending on magnitude of the problem, this difficulty can, sometimes, turn into hours and days of work interruptions, which delays the expected results. The previous entails that the costs involved in the operation of the organization are increased by these dropped times.

MBSystem's de México, Todos los derechos reservados, Copyright 2001 ©

Phone +52 (871) 732 1016
Torreón Coahuila México